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About Globkee

Globkee community was established in 2007.  It started from a group of individuals who had a vision to keep original entertainment flowing.  From fruity loop instrumentals to top quality industry instrumentals.  From low quality independent audio tracks to high quality mixes. Our team does not discriminate when it comes to others gifts and lyrical  content.  From our prospective each individual has different gifts and deserves to be heard.  Poetry is a gift from all forms.  Throughout the years the Gobkee team had interacted with musicians from the underground to the main stream establishment community.

Bringing together the key’s that originally started the entertainment community. The keys to the entertainment industry was always the “UNDERDOG” .

Type of Business– Private

Type of website– Music streaming, internet community,Rss feeds from major  magazine sources,  music promo/advertisement

Owner–  Globkee Limited

Key People

  Website/App design and developer-Antonio Lancaster and Andrew Alcala.

  Investers– Antonio Lancaster, Andrew Alcala, Larry Underwood, Mike Pedalo, Curtus Coleus, Evelin Umos . Dereck Wade. More upcoming.